Dynamics of coupled human-natural systems
Investigations into how coral reef populations and communities vary across space and time to understand ecosystem structure and function, and how human and environmental factors influence ecosystems.
Recent Publications on this topic
Linking land and sea through ecological-economic model of coral reef recreation
Oleson KLL, Bagstad KJ, Fezzi C, Barnes MD, Donovan MK, Falinski KA, Gorospe KD, Htun Hla, Lecky J, Villa F, Wong T (2020) Ecological Economics 117(106788)
Caribbean reefs of the Anthropocene: variance in ecosystem metrics indicate bright spots on coral depauperate reefs
Lester SE, Rassweiler A, McCoy SJ, Dubel AK, Donovan MK, Miller MW, Miller SD, Ruttenberg BI, Samhouri JF, Hay ME (2020) Global Change Biology
Widespread loss of Caribbean acroporid corals was underway before coral bleaching and disease outbreaks
Cramer KL, Greenstein BJ, Donovan MK, Jackson JBC, Korpanty CA, Pandolfi JM (2020) Science Advances 6(17):eaax9395
Coral bleaching: a global analysis of the past two decades
Sully S, Burkepile DE, Donovan MK, Hodgson G, van Woesik R (2019) Nature Communications 10: 1264
Parsing human and biophysical drivers of coral reef regimes
Jouffray JB, Wedding LM, Norström AV, Donovan MK, Williams GJ, Crowder LB, Friedlander AM, Erickson A, Graham NAJ, Gove JM, Kappel CV, Kittinger JN, Lecky J, Oleson KL, Selkoe KA, White C, Williams ID, Nyström M (2019) Proceedings of the Royal Society – Biology 286(1896)
Combining fish and benthic communities into multiple regimes reveals complex reef dynamics
Donovan MK, Friedlander AM, Lecky J, Jouffray JB, Williams GJ, Wedding LM, Crowder LB, Erickson A, Graham NAJ, Gove JM, Kappel CV, Karr K, Kittinger JN, Norström AV, Nyström M, Oleson KL, Stamoulis KA, White C, Williams ID, Selkoe KA (2018) Scientific Reports 8: 16943