Effectively managing coral reefs
Science-based solutions to help achieve the best outcomes for both nature and people.
Recent publications on this topiC
Nitrogen pollution interacts with heat stress to increase coral bleaching across the seascape
Donovan MK, Adam TC, Shantz AA, Munsterman KS, Rice MM, Speare KE, Schmitt RJ, Holbrook SJ, Burkepile DE (2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (10) 5351-5357
Spatial and temporal patterns in Hawai‘i’s marine protected areas
Friedlander AM, Donovan MK, Koike H, Murakawa P, Goodell W (2019) Aquatic Conservation 29(S2):103-117
Prioritizing reef resilience through spatial planning following a mass coral bleaching event
Chung AE, Wedding LM, Meadows A, Moritsch MM, Donovan MK, Gove J, Hunter C (2019) Coral Reefs 38(4):837-850
Managing local stressors for coral reef condition and ecosystem services delivery under climate scenarios
Weijerman M, Veazey L, Delevaux J, Donovan MK, Falinski K, Lecky J, Vache K, Yee S, Oleson KLL (2018) Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00425
Seascape models reveal places to focus coral reef fisheries management
Stamoulis KA, Delevaux JMS, Williams, ID, Poti M, Lecky J, Costa B, Kendall MS, Pittman SJ, Donovan MK, Wedding LM, Friedlander AM (2018) Ecological Applications 28(4): 910-925
Effects of gear restriction on the abundance of juvenile fishes along sandy beaches in Hawai‘i
Donovan MK, Friedlander AM, Usseglio P, Goodell W, Iglesias I, Schemmel E, Stamoulis K, Filous A, Giddens J, Kamikawa K, Koike H, McCoy K, Wall C (2016)PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155221